WISE for installers
Smooth process – from planning to commissioning​
Swegon’s WISE system is a problem-free, reliable climate system using wireless technology. Forget complicated cable routing and misconnections – the system offers automatic performance checks and simple logistics. There is no need to handle room products individually – it’s enough to place the right product of the right size. By scanning and pairing up products, tasks are allocated to each product automatically, which saves time, is simple and ensure predictability in all projects. The logistics at the construction site are also made more straightforward, as there is no need to keep track of individually preset products.​
Products can easily be replaced, supplemented or removed in accordance with the project’s requirements. The best thing is that the intelligence is located centrally – this applies both to products and their functions. Giving new orders to the product is simple, ensuring maximum flexibility and control over projects.​
Our SuperWISE interface checks performance during commissioning and supervision. It is simple to operate and easy to identify any anomalies from what is expected. Using SuperWISE, the process is not only easier and more efficient, but it also enables you to rest assured that everything is working as it should.​

Swegon takes a big responsibility
As WISE is a complete, demand controlled climate system (DCV), the number of interfaces between different contractors and suppliers is reduced, which improves efficiency and simplifies the coordination of projects.​
WISE can easily be integrated with the other systems in buildings via Modbus TCP or BACnet IP. This provides the freedom to adapt and connect systems in a way that meets unique needs and wishes.​
As Swegon possesses long experience and extensive knowledge about control, there is no need for in-depth knowledge about control technology. We offer security by being a partner that accepts total responsibility.​
“Working with Swegon is rarely a complicated process. Our activities are usually permeated by easy accessibility and high skills levels.”
Anders Ekelund, CEO at Novum Installation AB​
This is how WISE works​
The basic purpose of WISE is to adjust the indoor climate to exactly the level required. It ventilates, cools and heats neither too much – which costs energy – nor too little – which has a negative impact on comfort. ​
WISE supports different combinations of indoor climate systems. Combine waterborne and airborne within the building, from floor level to zone and room level. WISE is a flexible and scalable system. The system can be adapted to meet the requirements and preferences of different enterprises and undertakings, including those that vary over time.​
​WISE always includes a basic package for achieving a demand-controlled indoor climate. In addition to the basic package, a number of solutions can be added, such as visualisation, optimisation, communication and various functionalities. In addition to this, a number of digital services can also be added:​
- Swegon INSIDE
- Real Estate Core​
- API ​

“Swegon is one of the very best suppliers and is always involved in our projects, in one way or another.”​
Anders Ekelund, CEO at Novum Installation AB​

Complete supplier of WISE​
In each WISE project, Swegon’s project managers ensure that the system delivery satisfies our undertaking towards the customer and other contractors in the building project. The role of the project manager is, together with the designers, to ensure that the design of the ventilation system meets the requirements for the desired function.​
​In addition, the project manager will monitor and coordinate Swegon’s deliveries and oversee these with other contractors at the building site, such as Ventilation, Electricity, Plumbing and Control and Regulation.​
The project manager will also ensure that the WISE system is put into service correctly, and that the project specific documentation is coordinated with other contractors in the building project and is handed over to the customer as agreed.​
​Each WISE system is handed over to the customer commissioned and documented. Swegon’s operating technicians will perform commissioning of all supplied Swegon products on site and coordinate this with the other contractors such as Ventilation, Electricity, Plumbing and Control and Regulation.​
The advantage of a complete supplier is that the risk of coordination problems during both the planning and the building work is kept to a minimum. As the owner or orderer of a WISE system, the system will be designed to meet specific requirements, and is commissioned, documented and coordinated with other installations in the best way possible. Read more about Swegon as a complete supplier of WISE.
Swegon has all the documentation required in order to plan and install the WISE system. Find the documentation here.​