Air-cooled high efficiency free-cooling chiller, screw compressors with variable compression ratio and inverter control capacity modulation, R1234ze, R513A, R134a, 260-880 kW

High efficiency, single and double circuit free-cooling chillers featuring screw compressors with variable compression ratio and an inverter for capacity modulation.

Xi: high efficiency, version with full inverter compressors
Si: compact dimensions, version with full inverter compressors
LGW Xi: low GWP refrigerant, version with full inverter compressors
LN: low noise unit
NG: no glycol execution
DS: execution with desuperheater
DC: execution with recovery condenser
SH: hybrid-compact price-effective
Configurable free-cooling section


  • Free-cooling BASIC, Free-cooling EXTRA
  • Application flexibility: water temperature up to 23°C. Operating in a wide range of external ambient conditions
  • High efficiency and compact dimensions
  • Extended operating limits: down to -40°C with proper accessories
  • Dual power supply with automatic switching (option)
  • BlueThink advanced control with integrated web server. Multilogic/Multifree function and Blueye® supervision system. (options)
  • Flowzer: energy optimization on water side (options)
  • Conforming with Ecodesign Reg. 2281 tier 2

Comprehensive detailed product information for the best selection and integration in project design
Installation, Operating, Maintenance and Safety information
Our products and services presented in an easy-to-access manner
Declarations and certificates etc
Wiring diagrams and hydraulic schemes etc
Document Article Document type Date Download
Brochure (pdf 2.03MB) KAPPA Sky Brochure 21/09/2020
Product Overview (pdf 16.43MB) BlueBox Product Overview 2024 Brochure 30/05/2024
Product Sheet (pdf 641.82kB) KAPPA Sky FC Technical catalogue 30/05/2024
Technical Catalogue (pdf 1.77MB) Kappa SKY FC Technical catalogue 20/01/2021

Whilst we have made every effort to ensure information on this website is up to date and accurate, the technical specification and availability of products/services listed on this website may vary market to market and are subject to change without notice. Please contact your regional representative or visit your local website for further details.