This project's installer
Novum Installation AB was the contracted installer in Blue House. In close cooperation with us at Swegon, Novum installed the complete indoor climate solution throughout the entire building.
A highly appreciated supplier
Novum Installation has not only been working with us at Swegon in the Blåa Huset project, we have partnered in a number of other building developments too.
When the CEO of Novum Installation describes the cooperation with Swegon, he says that working with Swegon rarely causes any complexity in a project, Swegon are responsive, and the sign of engagement comes from deep knowledge and profound expertise.
Anders also says that since the cooperation between our two companies is established since a long time ago, communication is made easy in all phases of a project, from purchasing to delivery of products.
In terms of this project, Anders says that Swegon has brought presence, pro-active work and dedication, which has been cruicial for the success of the Blåa Huset development. Finally, he also highlights that when Swegon is assigned as a complete supplier many risks are eliminated, especially the risk of time related delays.
- Swegon is one of the best suppliers and is always, in one way or another, a part of our projects, says Anders Ekelund, CEO at Novum Installation AB.

Swegon brought presence, pro-active work and dedication to this project.Anders Ekelund, VD Novum Installation AB
The delivery of a complete solution
Our indoor climate solution in Blåa Huset is described by the installer, Novum Installation AB, as a complete and perfect solution with great technological functionality. They also found the cooperation in regards to our Swegon INSIDE package to be an exciting part of the project.
The requirements on the supplier of a complete solution are many and challenging. The teamwork with Novum, as well as with the project- and construction teams, made it possible for us at Swegon to deliver a solution of both sophisticated design and long-lasting operation.
- The fact that Swegon always puts high expectations on themselves, makes them deliver excellently on products, solutions and partnership, says Anders Ekelund.

High precision work at the top
As said, one of the main challenges with Blåa Huset was to provide an optimal indoor climate and still pay greatest respect to the energy use of the building.
With the above in mind a carefully designed solution, including a number of exact chosen products, was provided Blåa Huset. The film to the left has captured the cooperation of Novum and us at Swegon when the BlueBox Zeta Sky reversible heat pump is lifted to the roof top of the blue building. An inpressive moment of precision work!