Swegon is your professional partner for energy efficient heating solutions.
Let us tell you more.
The EU aims to be climate neutral in 2050
The production and use of energy account for more than 75% of the EU’s greenhouse emissions

40% of energy consumption in Europe is by buildings

In the non residential sector, electricity use over the last 20 years has increased by a remarkable 74% in line with increased use of IT equipments and air coonditioning

EU should reduce buildings’ greenhouse gas emissions by 60% and reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling by 18%

EU will speed up the integration of renewables, and promote broader use of waste heat also integrating energy systems to promoting the decarbonization of heating and cooling which is responsible for 80% of energy consumed in residential buildings

EU will strengthen the existing renewable heating and cooling target and introducing a requirement to use minimum levels of renewables in buildings.
Heat pumps play a key role in new and renovated building since they enable a combination of high energy efficiency, reduced energy costs, and systemic benefits for the stability of the grids.
Why heat pumps will help

Primary energy (PE) is an energy form found in nature and can be non-renewable (fossil fuel) or renewable (Sunlight, Wind, Geothermal). Primary energy is converted into other energy forms including Heating & Cooling energy with various uses including for Comfort in Buildings.
While modern condensing boilers transform 100 kW of Primary energy into 90-95kW of Heating energy, losing 5-10% of Energy, Swegon offers innovative and sustainable solutions that produce over 140kW of Heating Energy by 100kW of primary energy or over 350kW of Heating Energy by 100kW of Electric energy that can be produced by renewable sources.
We can also use 100kW of Electric Energy to produce over 700kW of Combined Cooling & Heating Energy!
Swegon contributes to reduce the CO2 emission in buildings, enhances the Indoor Environmental Quality, supports High Standard Building accreditations generating higher ROI for Investors, Owners and Tenants.
How to rate sustainability of heat pumps
GWP (Global Warming Impact) is perhaps the most commonly used environmental metric. GWP is the index, which compares the global warming impact of an emission of a greenhouse gas in relation to the impact from the emission of similar amount of CO2.
GWP it in an intrinsic Refrigerant gas feature regardless the quantity to be used
TEWI (Total Equivalent Warming Impact): In addition to the direct impact of the refrigerant (which is conveniently estimated by GWP), any system or process, which requires energy input, indirectly affects the environment. This impact is originated from CO2 emissions from the energy production processes. TEWI accounts for the global warming impact from both direct impact of the refrigerant (GWP + Refrigerant charge) and indirect emissions of any system or process, which requires energy input that indirectly affects the environment (Heat pump Seasonal energy efficiency)
Renewable sources

Outside air as an infinite energy source despite its temperature.
Heating energy can be transferred to inside Air or heating Water

Ground source heat pumps use geothermal energy by extracting heat directly from the ground.

Water available in Nature (aquifer, lakes, Wells) or from industrial processes (wastewater) is a great storage of energy that can be used as source in Water to Water heat pumps.

Sun & Wind
Sun and Wind can’t be used as “thermal sources” but anyway are sustainable sources to produce electricity to run heat pumps without burning fossil fuels
Swegon as heating partner
We are a member of the European heat Pump association EHPA
- We are listed inside the German BAFA database for heat pumps, promoting transition to renewable energy by supporting small-medium companies and economic development.
Swegon heat pumps complies with the criteria of Italian “Conto Termico, DM 16/02/16” related to grants for the efficiency increase in renovated buildings.
Swegon heat pumps are certified with the Eurovent Heat Pump program and with the Eurovent LCP-HP program.