Social sustainability
Ensuring a safe and healthy work environment with high levels of well-being
We believe all our colleagues are equally important, and we offer a safe and stimulating work environment.
In order to have high levels of well-being we create conditions for a sustainable work-life-balance, because we know that people who feel good perform better. We also work actively with our company values to build a strong organizational culture.
When it comes to the health and safety of our employees, we are proactive and succeed in creating a much higher level than the regulatory minimum. We identify risks in the physical and social work environments and take action to ensure the health and safety of our employees.
Advocating gender equality, non-discrimination and diversity
We actively promote diversity in our workforce, knowing that the best results arise from different kinds of experiences and a welcoming environment.
By 2027 our objective is to have a gender distribution of minimum 30 percent female employees as well as 30 percent female managers (salary setting positions).
Within the area of diversity and inclusion, we have high ambitions to improve and achieve our targets by:
- Continuous KPI follow ups to understand our baseline and measure our progress.
- Systematically educate our managers through diversity and inclusion workshops, leadership trainings, and a training on competence based recruitment.
- Educate and engage our employees through live webinars, on-site workshops, and gather our employees’ personal perceptions on their current overall work situation.
- Fully implement the standardized competence based recruitment process to increase objectivity and create more meritocratic recruitment decisions.
- Continue to communicate our insights and knowledge on both identified challenges and improvements to raise awareness within our organisation and the various industry associations we are part of.

Enabling continuous learning and competence development
We strive to develop our employees, managers and organisation. This is done by performance and development reviews, on the job trainings, feedback as well as various types of trainings suitable for each respective area of expertise and interest. An important aspect in the competence development is to establish our baseline and current situation as well as our future desired position. This is done by a structured competence mapping through the entire organisation that results in various actions to ensure continued competence development to meet the needs of tomorrow.
Competence is not just what we have in our heads, it is what makes us perform our jobs well, what differentiates us from our competitors and in the end, what makes us succeed as a company.
Our internal training portal – MySwegon Knowledge – contains over 100 digital trainings, helping our employees deepen their knowledge and develop their competencies.
We believe in what we do, therefore we are convinced that sharing knowledge will benefit our customers, employees, partners and the entire indoor climate community.