Corporate sustainability
Strategic focus areas
At Swegon, we distinguish between social, environmental and economic sustainability, often referred to as People, Planet and Profit - ensuring a holistic approach within our sustainability work.
Together with many stakeholders, we conducted a materiality analysis in 2020, where we identified multiple focus areas which are relevant to our stakeholders and ourselves as a company when working with sustainability.
In a structured process and a best-practice approach, we prioritized the most significant topics for our stakeholders and ourselves. These topics provided the foundation for our strategic focus areas.
Our Stakeholders
We do not just listen to our customers, but also to other stakeholders. Only when learning about their expectations, challenges and needs, our offers can be adapted, business practices and behaviours changed.
At Swegon stakeholders are internal and external individuals, groups, organisations and partners that can be distinguished as either interested in, having an influence over, or being affected, positively or negatively, by our business decisions, policies and objectives.

Sustainability reporting
Swegon is owned by Investment AB Latour and acknowledge and follow the fundamental framework given by the Latour Code of Conduct as well as its complementary policies and commitments. We currently disclose our sustainability performance within different areas through the annual reporting of Latour.
As part of the Latour group, Swegon complies with the minimum target goals set. In addition, Swegon quantifies further, or more ambitious, goals applicable to our organization.
We value transparency and measurability to be two very crucial elements
when working with sustainability, because of two guiding principles:
1. What you do not know, you cannot care about.
2. If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.
See the latest Latour Sustainability Report in Swedish or English.
Code of conduct
We expect all employees and business partners to comply with our code of conduct and supplier code of conduct respectively. All employees receive internal mandatory training on the code of conduct and ensure compliance by signature. Business partners also ensure compliance by signature and are object to on-site as and/or self-assessment on their compliance depending on type of supplier. The commitment of business partners to the Supplier Code of Conduct is continuously rolled out and implemented as the updated Supplier Code of Conduct was published December 2022.

Our long-term success is built on making business in a fair and ethical way. Our whistleblowing service offers a possibility to confidentially alert the organisation about suspicions of misconduct, an essential tool for reducing risks and maintaining trust in our operations by enabling us to detect and act on possible misconduct at an early stage. Below is how it works:
- A person sends an alert through the external communications channel
- If the person chose to be anonumous, further dialogue is possible through a personal ID and password given at the end of the reporting session
- The person sending the alert can log in and read responses as well as replay. The dialogue can continue as long as the parties wish.
- Most importantly, each reported misconduct is treated confidentially
To report a misconduct directly to Latour, use the following link:
The communication channel can be reached on any device, including smart phones. It is recommended to access the communication channel from a device that is not connected to the Swegon intranet. Note that the language may be changed on the site.